Wednesday, 31 October 2007


Rage filling up my mind,
for the pain I feel
people hurt and hurt as well
every day and all around,
we've all become a bit to numb.

A kid gets shot, by a man,
it's only a father, the daddy of
the child he stabbed, not to long ago...
a world is lost, not yours or mine,
the world of one who's life is gone.

If I die, by the hand of another,
to the guilty hand, the naked eye
all that's lost is a single life,
but for my soul, the tragedy is,
the erasure of the entire world.

That is the truth, the irony, that-
all that we have, the entire world
is one soul away from destruction;
we have become a bit to numb
ain't that sad, well that's just life.

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